As part of Field Service Management, a company must also develop a method to track and keep up with assets that are used for field work. These can include various items such as computing devices, tools and even the vehicles that are used by the field service personnel. Many companies now use GPS devices to track vehicles and larger mobile/remote equipment. The GPS tracking information can be a valuable asset to the company. In the past, we have had company vehicles that were stolen. Thanks to having GPS trackers on these vehicles, we were able to give law enforcement the actual locations of the vehicles using the GPS tracking systems. These systems can also be used to track employee driving habits and can provide verification of services performed. Some of the newer GPS services available are integrated with communications devices to relay information to and from the field service personnel during their work day. One of the newest trends is to have many of these functions installed on a “Smart” phone provided to field service personnel. It not only aids the personnel, but allows the company to better manage and account for their assets.
If you would like more information about how GPS tracking could help you or need assistance in implementing or managing your GPS tracking, please feel free to contact us at NEX21 Partners, LLC. We would love to help you make your business more successful.